Definition of Macro

Macros are intellectual properties(IP) that you can use in design. These IPs have been designed by some other analog team, which can be used in the floor plan stage of the design For example, PLL, memories, processor, etc. Type of Macros Hard Macros Hard macros are also known as Block. Hard macros always come in…

Few terms to know before Floor Planning

Few Terms Related to the Floor plan Core It is defined as an inner block, where the fundamental logic like macros, standard cells is placed. Die A Die which consists of a core is a small semiconductor material specimen on which the fundamental circuit is fabricated. Aspect Ratio The aspect ratio defines the shape and…

Sanity Check

For physical design engineers, sanity checks are an important step. They make sure that the inputs received for physical design are correct and consistent. If there are any issues in the input, it may cause a problem in the later stages. So it is essential to check the sanity checks in the initial stage. Following…

Floor plan Techniques

Abutted Marcos are placed adjacent to each other without leaving any space between them. Non-Abutted Ensure that appropriate spacing is maintained between macros. Partially Abutted This design is a combination of abutted and non-abutted. Fig: Type of Floor plan

Introduction to Floor Planning

The floor plan is the first stage in the physical Design. The floorplan is a critical and important step because your quality of the chip depends on how good the floorplan. A good floor plan can simplify the implementation process (place, clock tree synthesis, route) simple. On the other hand, a bad floor plan can…