Frequently Asked Questions

If you are learning a subject for the very first time. Click on the subject link on the home page of the website which will list out all the topics related to the subject. Plan to read each topic by giving a sufficient amount of time to it. While reading takes notes of an important point. After reading the topic apply for a quiz related to the topic.
While login in through verification master you will get an option to upload your resume. The resume which you upload will be handed over to the Recruiting Manager or Company HR. If your resume will get shortlisted by them you will get a call.
Verification Master has collaborated with various Recruiting Manager and Company HR. They will conduct recruiting drive based on the requirement.
Login to your profile and click on the Company Recruiting Drive link which will be only visible on the day before the drive. A link will be also mailed to you on your subscribed login email id.
After the application of the quiz, your answer and time report will be sent to Company’s HR. You will get a call if you are shortlisted. In case of not receiving any call for 1-2 week possibility is you are not shortlisted.
After login on to the Verification Master website, you will be able to post your doubt in the comment section below the topic. You will receive a resolution of your doubt within 2-3 days.