Switch Level Modeling style

In my previous blog we already studied this, but let’s start with more energy and more explanation. Verilog has several constructs for modelling switch-level circuits. These components are used to characterise digital circuits at the MOS-transistor level. As Verilog supports transistor level modelling, designers use it these days since the complexity of circuits has forced…

Useful System Tasks

In this blog, we will go over the system tasks that can be used in Verilog for a variety of purposes. Time-consuming simulation features like @posedge and others can be found in tasks. Tasks, often known as procedures or subroutines, are used in all programming languages. A task must be explicitly spelled out using a…

User-Defined Primitives

This blog will start this new topic with a user-defined primitive, also known as UDP. As part of the language, Verilog includes a standard set of primitives such as and, nand, or, nor, and not. These are also referred to as built-in primitives. Designers, on the other hand, like to employ their custom-built primitives when…

Procedural Continuous Assignment

In the previous blog, Procedural Assignments, we looked at procedural assignments. So let’s start a new blog with more details about the study about procedural continuous assignment. Previously, we learned that a register is assigned a value via procedural assignments. The value remains in the register until another procedural assignment assigns another value to it….


In today’s blog we will study loops that are used in computer programming also, and which we already know about, and almost all the functions are the same, just the syntax will be a little different in Verilog. So let’s check that In Verilog, looping statements are classified into four types: while, for, repeat, and…

Conditional Statements

We already have a view of the conditional statement in the previous blog, but let’s see with more explanation. Conditional statements are used to base decisions on certain criteria. These criteria are used to determine whether or not to execute a statement. if-else statement For conditional statements, the keywords if and else are used. Conditional…

Timing Control

In our last blog, we studied different types of statements. Let’s discuss today the another part. Verilog provides a number of behavioural timing control mechanisms. The simulation time in Verilog does not advance if there are no timing control statements. Timing settings allow you to select the simulation time when procedural statements will be executed….

Different types of Behavioral modeling

As we learned from the previous blog about the different types of modeling, we already know about behavioural modeling. In this blog we will study that in more detail. Structured Procedures Verilog has two structured process statements: always and initial. These are the two most fundamental propositions in behavioural modelling. All additional behavioural statements are…

Delays in Dataflow modelling

We have studied the different types of assignments in our previous blog in which we studied the different types of modelling and explained each term briefly. Today we will study the blog related to it. Delay values govern the period between when a right-hand operand changes and when the new value is allocated to the…

Gate Delays

We studied gate-level modelling in a previous blog and from there we can summarise that digital elements are binary things that can only have one of two values: 0 or 1. The transitions from 0 to 1 and 1 to 0 include a transitional delay, as does each gate element in order to transfer the…